Disney stands to benefit from more than a half billion dollars in tax breaks for building a new regional campus in central Florida.
One thing that is not magic to Walt Disney World is the property taxes it must pay to a Florida county.
Orange County Property Appraiser Rick Singh says his office has recovered more than a billion dollars since 2013 by investigating whether people paid their taxes properly. That’s as Singh himself is accused of improprieties.
Two Central Florida counties may soon join about two dozen other counties across the Sunshine State in taxing themselves. Voters in Osceola County may join Volusia in considering increases to their local-option sales taxes to fund infrastructure projects, like improvements to roads and bridges. Economic analyst Hank Fishkind explains why voters would consider a proposal to raise their own sales taxes.
When it comes to state taxes, Florida has an unusual approach. It’s one of only seven states in the US with no income tax. Economic analyst Hank Fishkind explains how Florida and the other six states come up with the money to fund their budgets and spending programs.
Amendment 5 wouldn't affect local or school district taxes.
Florida voters face a number of amendments on the ballot this fall-including Amendment 5. The proposed amendment would require a two thirds majority vote in each chamber of the Florida legislature to enact new taxes and fees or increase existing ones. Economic analyst Hank Fishkind tells 90.7’s Matthew Peddie what’s really needed is an overhaul of the tax system.
Sen. Bill Nelson of Florida has asked Gov. Rick Scott to remove the state from a lawsuit that could end the Affordable Care Act. People with preexisting conditions would lose coverage.
The Florida Chamber of Commerce has endorsed Adam Putnam for governor.