Board of Trustees
- Chair
Markita D. Cooper*
Florida A & M University College of Law - Vice Chair
Rich Reiner*
Reiner Consulting - Secretary
Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr.*
City of Sanford, Florida - Immediate Past Chair
Chris Brockman*
Holland & Knight - Geraldine Gallagher PhD, CFRE
Florida SouthWestern State College - Larry Henrichs*
Community Leader - Daniel McIntosh
Lowndes - Dr. Gary Montoute,DHA, MBA-ITM
Orlando Health - Barbara J. Oswalt
CRI Advisors, LLC - Sibille Hart Pritchard
Community Leader - Lisa Rain
Florida High Tech Corridor - Yusila Ramirez
Tavistock Development Company - Ana “Ani” Rodriguez-Newbern
Tangel-Rodriguez & Assoc. - Thomas Simon*
Community Leader - Judith Smelser*
Central Florida Public Media - Joshua Snyder
Community Advisory Board
- Chair
Claire Brady, Ed.D.
(Orange County)
Glass Half Full Consulting LLC - Vice Chair
Fatima Saied
(Orange County)
Muslim Women's Organization - Secretary
Jean St Pierre
(Marion County)
Ameriprise Financial - Leonard Bass
Valencia College - Enrique Brao
David Weekley Homes - Jenny Green Chan
Wells Fargo Bank - Nicole Copley
Thrive Resources, LLC - Toni Crabtree
New Image Youth Center, Inc. - Rex Elbert
Community Volunteer - Chase Fiore
Disney Live Entertainment - Tiffany Jeffers
Black Empowerment & Community Council - Grace Kiggins
DiSTI Corporation - Julia Lozada
(Orange County)
FinSuite Consulting - Chris R. Mondello
GxP Systems Compliance LLC - Olatunji Y. Oyewale
Golden Rule Housing & Community Development - Brian Peterson
Greater Life Communications - Seela Ramesh
Gastroenterology Institute of Orlando - Melissa Rodriguez
Community Volunteer - Ian Tardif
Wheelzy, LLC - Dr. K. Wiltz II
Bio Plus Specialty Pharmacy Inc.
Meeting Notices
The Board of Trustees' and Community Advisory Board meetings are in-person at Central Florida Public Media. Committees of the Board are held via Zoom video conferencing. For further information, please call the Office of the President at 407.273.2300, x120.
Regular meetings of the Central Florida Public Media Board of Trustees and its committees are open to the public, although some portions of those meetings may be held in closed executive session.
Pursuant to Section 396(k)(4) of the Communications Act, meetings of the Central Florida Public Media Board of Trustees and its committees may move into executive session and be closed to the public “to consider matters relating to individual employees, proprietary information, litigation and other matters requiring the confidential advice of counsel, commercial or financial information obtained from a person on a privileged or confidential basis, or the purchase of property or services whenever the premature exposure of such purchase would compromise the business interests of [Central Florida Public Media].”
Board of Trustees’ meetings
Wednesdays at 4:30 p.m. at Central Florida Public Media
For information for open sessions, please send an email to at least one day before the meeting with your written statement or question for the Board.
- Wednesday, February 26
- Tuesday, May 20
- Wednesday, September 24
- Wednesday, December 3
Executive Committee meetings
Thursdays and Tuesdays at 10 a.m. via Zoom video conferencing
For call-in information for open sessions, please send an email to at least one day before the meeting with your written statement or question for the Committee.
- Tuesday, February 18 at 3:30 p.m. via Zoom.
- Thursday, May 1
- Thursday, September 11
- Thursday, November 13
Audit & Finance Committee meetings
Thursday’s @ 10 a.m. via Zoom except Feb. 3 – Monday at 10 a.m. via Zoom
For call-in information for open sessions, please send an email to at least one day before the meeting with your written statement or question for the Committee.
- Monday, Feb. 3
- Thursday, April 24
- Thursday, August 28
- Thursday, November 6
Governance Committee Meetings
Tuesday’s and Thursday’s @ 10 a.m. via Zoom
For call-in information for open sessions, please send an email to at least one day before the meeting with your written statement or question for the Committee.
- Tuesday, January 28
- Tuesday, April 29
- Thursday, July 17
- Thursday, August 21
- Thursday, October 30
Development Committee Meeting
Thursday’s at 10 a.m. via Zoom except May 19 – Monday at 10 a.m. via Zoom
For call-in information for open sessions, please send an email to at least one day before the meeting with your written statement or question for the Committee.
- Thursday, February 20
- Monday, May 19
- Thursday, August 7
- Thursday, October 23
Community Advisory Board
Wednesday’s @ 6 p.m. at Central Florida Public Media
If you seek access to this meeting under our open meetings policy, please send an email to at least one day before the meeting with your written statement or question for the CAB.
- Wednesday, February 5
- Wednesday, May 14
- Wednesday, August 20
- Wednesday, November 5