Here's a fact: If everyone who has requested an absentee ballot votes, Florida will more than double the number of mail-in votes cast in the 2016 election. And that has researchers worried that Florida could also reject a record number of ballots.
Here’s a quick form to let you ask your questions about voting. We’ll address them during a Facebook Live on The State We’re In, Oct. 19 at 7 p.m.
This amendment provides that only United States Citizens who are at least eighteen years of age, a permanent resident of Florida, and registered to vote, as provided by law, shall be qualified to vote in a Florida election.
If 60 percent of voters approve Amendment 2, Florida’s minimum wage would increase to $15 an hour in 2026.
Critics say Amendment 4 would make it nearly impossible to amend Florida’s constitution ever again, and sponsors won't discuss who is bankrolling it. Here's an in-depth look a Amendment 4, which would require future constitutional amendments to be approved twice.
November's election includes several proposed constitutional amendments, including the "All Voters Vote in the Primary" amendment. If 60 percent of voters approve Amendment Number 3, the so-called "Jungle Primary" would fundamentally change Florida politics.
Las elecciones del 2020 son en dos meses, pero las fechas límite para registrarse y para votar son inminentes. Ya sea que usted quiera votar por el presidente de los Estados Unidos o el Distrito local de control de mosquitos (¡Sí, eso existe en Florida!), compartimos con usted algunos puntos básicos que debe conocer.
DeSantis is recommending in-person education resumes for the fall semester.
Two young Central Florida activists leading protests over the death of George Floyd say it is up to young people like them to push for systemic changes.
Legoland officially reopened Monday and it offered some clues about what theme park fans might expect in the post-pandemic world. Reporter Gabrielle Russon of the Orlando Sentinel talks with WMFE's Matthew Peddie about theme park reopenings on The State We're In, a Facebook Live show produced by WMFE and WUSF