Local nonprofits are offering financial assistance and referrals to social services for federal workers struggling to pay their bills in Central Florida.
They expect to be able to treat more than 100 patients in the first year.
A symposium next week in Central Florida will share the latest in combat trauma care. Local doctors should attend for the applications to civilian wounded care.
President Trump says space dominance is vital to national security. He wants the Department of Defense to establish a new branch of the military - a Space Force. What would a Space Force look like and what would its mission be? With more countries eyeing space for resources and strategic interests - is the call for a Space Force coming at the right time? Joining us on to talk about the possibility of Space Force is Roger Handberg, Laura Forcyk and Brendan Byrne.
Next month marks the 15th year the United States has been at war in Afghanistan and Iraq. And each of the 2.5 million men and women who served in the conflicts has a story. Now there’s a new effort to help those service members and veterans discover, shape and share their story.
In an interview with NPR's Morning Edition, outgoing Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel says he is concerned about the toll of repeatedly rotating the same soldiers back to the front lines.