An example of how an informed public can help land stay in conservation is right in Seminole County: the rural boundary.
While not perfectly pristine, many Florida farmlands provide valuable ecosystem services, like wildlife habitat and flood protection.
The Florida Wildlife Corridor’s vision for conservation land in Florida stops short of providing mechanisms to make it a reality.
The Florida panthers’ numbers dwindled so quickly over the the early 1900s that hunting them was banned in 1958. In 1967, panthers were the first animal to be put on the federal Endangered Species List, and in 1973 the puma, a big cat relative, was named a Florida protected species.
Just off a trail in Central Florida lie evidence, piled in bear boneyards, of Florida’s battle between development and an imperiled corridor.
Florida conservationists are gathering this week in Orlando for a first-ever Florida Wildlife Corridor Summit.
Gov. Ron DeSantis was in central Florida on Monday to sign a bill into law aimed at boosting land conservation along the Florida Wildlife Corridor.