October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and experts are encouraging uninsured women or women of low-income families to get tested using county resources. Breast Cancer is the second most common type of cancer, affecting one in eight women in the country.
An NPR correspondent living with incurable cancer says 7% is no solution. That's one estimate of how much — or how little — breast cancer research funding goes toward metastatic disease.
University of Central Florida nursing professor Joyce DeGennaro hasn’t missed a day of class during the pandemic. But what makes this even more exceptional is the wife and mother of two children has stage four breast cancer.
Coronavirus has impacted the number of Floridians who are getting screened for and diagnosed with breast cancer.
Woman at Sand Lake Imaging will donate mammograms to patients at Shepherd's Hope.
Doctors are hopeful a new drug being tested at Orlando Health could improve survival outcomes for metastatic breast cancer patients. The drug is undergoing a clinical trial.
The Food and Drug Administration approved the first at-home test for cancer risk. An Orange County doctor says it’s ineffective for use in the general population.