Several Central Florida schools are reporting flooding near the usual bus stops.
For this reason, Volusia and Seminole County have changed several bus stops.
And Lake, Polk and Sumter County Schools also announced that there could be disruptions to normal routes due to floodwaters.
For a full list of impacted districts, and alternate bus stops, see the rundown below:
Lake County Schools:
School officials say they have assessed bus routes and found the vast majority of roadways to be clear.
Where there are exceptions, families should get a call from the Lake County Schools Transportation Department with alternate bus stop locations. Click here for updates.
Polk County:
School leaders anticipate a shortage of bus drivers this week which could lead to some delays. Click here for updates.
Seminole County:
The district will be implementing temporary bus stops in some areas due to impacts from Hurricane Milton.
Twenty-four bus routes have been impacted in the district. Click here for updates.
Click here for the Excel spreadsheet of alternate bus stops.
Sumter County:
School staff have assessed bus routes and found many roadways to be clear.
However, there are exceptions and buses cannot travel through standing water, or heavily damaged roadways. Some parents may have to drive their children to school this week. Click here for updates.
Volusia County:
Volusia County Schools is working with Votran to offer students free transportation to school this week if their normal bus route has been impacted by flooding.
Students at DeLand Middle School can get a free ride on Votran the next few days, in order to avoid walking through floodwaters on their way to school. Interested families should meet at the Sanborn Center no later than 8:45 a.m. on Wednesday morning. From the Sanborn Center, Votran buses will take students to and from school. A Volusia County Schools employee will be on the bus with students.
If floodwaters continue to be a problem on Thursday, Votran may continue to offer the service the rest of the week.
Forty-three bus stops in the district have been impacted. Click here for updates.