Leading environmental groups sued the Trump administration Tuesday to stop an offshore oil and natural gas exploration technique called seismic testing.
Gov. Rick Scott says Florida is "off the table for oil drilling.”
The Trump administration is taking another step toward expanding offshore drilling.
Bill Nelson is among more than a dozen U.S. senators calling on President Barack Obama to stop oil and natural gas exploration in the Atlantic Ocean.The central Florida democrat and other senators are speaking out against seismic testing.
U.S. Senator Bill Nelson announced Friday he's filing legislation banning oil and gas exploration off Florida's East Coast.The measure puts the central Florida Democrat at odds with President Barack Obama, who approved the seismic testing last summer.
Across the Atlantic coast communities from Florida to New Jersey are speaking out against oil and natural gas exploration off their shores.They're concerned about seismic testing. For the first time in 30 years the Obama administration says it will consider the testing in the Atlantic Ocean.That's prompting leaders from beachy communities to Congress to voice alarm.
Marine scientists from across the globe are joining a growing number of Floridians opposed to oil and gas exploration off the Atlantic coast.In a letter made public Thursday the 75 scientists warn the seismic testing would have a widespread and long-lasting impact on marine life.