Spend an evening walking in the Milk District enjoying a sample of wine, beer, or specialty cocktail at each business during their new event called The…
Ever meet someone who gets sad during the holidays and not because Laverne DeFazio died or Will Smith agreed to play the genie in the live remake of…
I don’t own a dog. I own cats. They bathe themselves. Dogs don’t. Just one more reason why cats are better than dogs. If you weren’t lucky enough to be…
Find vintage clothing, handmade goods, local artists, live music and more at The Milk District Market Sunday 1 to 5. It’s outside so wear your bonnetEnjoy a 4 hour street party with beer, food trucks and pirate calamity shenanigans during the 8th annual San Juan Pirates Festival Saturday 8 to midnight in downtown Sanford.
Some residents in Orlando's Milk District neighborhood are worried a new developer and his shiny new duplexes will raise rents in what has been an…
Where some see gentrification in Orlando's Milk District, developer Adam Wonus says his goal is to get rid of blight and enhance the neighborhood. Wonus joins us to talk about his vision for the neighborhood. And we talk to urban planning professor Bruce Stephenson about what Orlando could learn from other fast growing cities.