New COVID-19 data suggests children between 6 months and 4 years old had the lowest vaccination rates throughout the county.
A project that builds beds for children who don't have them is underway again. The "Sleep In Heavenly Peace" program needs more recipients, volunteers and sources of lumber and mattresses.
Florida lawmakers are focusing heavily on child welfare this year, boosted by support from the Senate’s top lawmaker.
Florida Department of Children and Families Secretary Chad Poppell says the agency is falling short when it comes to responding to abuse allegations originating in foster homes. Lynn Hatter reports Poppells’ comments came in response to a USA Today investigation into DCF’s safety policies.
Crowded protests carry a risk of coronavirus transmission. But for some, showing up is nonnegotiable. Here's guidance to keep loved ones safe from the risk you might bring the virus home.
While early research suggests the condition is rare, experts are still racing to answer even the most basic questions about the illness — such as why some children are more susceptible than others.
Due to the increase of unaccompanied minors entering the country, the Department of Health and Human Services is looking at Virginia, Texas and Florida for potential locations for building a permanent shelter for them. A location already exists in Homestead in the south of Florida and has been met with criticisms. Some, like State Representative Anna Eskamani, believe that placing children in foster families is the best option for these children.
School’s out in Central Florida and that means students can’t rely on free and reduced lunch programs for breakfasts and lunches over the next two months.
The first case in 2018 of a disease that can cause paralysis in children has been confirmed by the Florida Department of Health.
Heather Wilkie is director of the Zebra Coalition. She says the shutdown has affected grant money that funds in-house counselors and legal advocates specially trained to work with the LGBTQ population.