The court has upheld the law three times.
The more than $750,000 dollar grant from the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services will be distributed to local agencies who will provide housing and mental health services.
About 367,000 fewer people signed up during this year’s open enrollment period-from November 1 through December 15-than last year.
A federal judge’s ruling that the Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional could affect Florida patients with pre-existing conditions.
Signups for health insurance through the federal marketplaces are down as the open enrollment period comes to an end.
As the deadline to enroll in the ACA approaches, many Floridians will have to make decisions about dental coverage.
ACA premiums have gone up because of these changes.
If ACA is repealed, so are the protections the keep insurers from denying people with pre-existing conditions coverage or raising their premiums.
People with pre-existing conditions gathered in Orlando to call on Rick Scott to support the Affordable Care Act. The state is one of twenty challenging the law’s constitutionality in court.
Next year, Aetna will stop offering health insurance on the Affordable Care Act's public exchanges in Florida and ten other states.