Governor Ron DeSantis took a defiant tone on COVID and education in his state of the state address opening this year’s legislative session.
He touted Florida’s booming economy and a proposed budget that includes a healthy surplus, and hammered the Federal government on inflation and other issues. But the economy has gotten a tailwind from federal stimulus, and some of the governor’s proposals rely on federal money.
On this episode of Intersection, we talk with political analysts Chris Carmody and Dick Batchelor about the 2022 legislative session. Issues to watch include abortion rights, redistricting, election security, nursing shortages and attempts to help Florida’s struggling manatees.
We’ll also check in with the AARP’s Jeff Johnson on issues affecting the state’s seniors.
And later in the program, a conversation with Randolph Bracy Jr, Kathy Hunt and Jaylen Christie about the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and how that legacy resonates with today’s struggle for civil rights.