[caption id="attachment_114531" align="alignright" width="400"]
From right, Blake Trent and Patrick Languirand of S E E K /n/ F I N D. Photo: Paola Chinchilla[/caption]
S E E K /n/ F I N D was the third performance of theIntersection live recording at The Abbey, Tiny Desk Contest: Orlando Favorites.
S E E K /n/ F I N D officially formed two weeks before their submission to the Tiny Desk Contest. Blake Trent, the lead singer and guitarist, met both of his band mates online. He met Tricia Kennedy, the band's drummer, on Instagram. Later he met Patrick Languirand, the band's bass player, off of Craigslist.
"Pat joined us and from the moment we met, it was a match made in heaven. We've been together ever since," Trent said. "All of like two months."
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Tricia Kennedy of Seek n Find. Photo: Paola Chinchilla[/caption]
When asked about 'Belong,' thesong they submitted to the contest, Trent talked about his growth from the music he grew up to listening to.
"I grew up a part of the alt-rock generation, we were all like 'We have problems!' 'Yeah, we have problems!' but nobody was doing anything about it. We were stuck at the 'We have problems!' part. And I wanted to write music that helped me move past where I was and not just recognize that state, " Trent said.
"To move from the brokenness to something better. So writing this music has been a cathartic process."
The group is currently in the process of recording songs to be released in summer. You can find their music on YouTube.