Accidental deaths from drug use is up 26 percent in Orange and Osceola counties, according to the medical examiner’s office.
Heroin overtook cocaine as the deadliest street drug last year. Heroin was found in 89 deaths in Orange and Osceola counties last year, that’s compared to 19 heroin-related deaths in 2011
Cocaine was a close second, with 88 deaths, and was often used in combination with other drugs. That’s an 89 percent increase from 2012.
In the prescription drug category, fentanyl, a powerful painkiller and anesthetic, overtook oxycodone as the deadliest drug. Deaths from methadone and ocycodone were down, and deaths involving anti-anxiety medication Xanax dropped.
There was one death in 2014 from ecstasy. In total, 209 people died from accidental overdose last year, compared to 166 deaths the year before.
Check here to download the Orange County Medical Examiner's report. And see below for more stories on Florida's growing heroin problem:
As heroin abuse rises in Orange County, so does death toll
Lethal supply and demand: Heroin overdoses spike in pill mill's crackdown