Orange County Public Schools are now back in session. And despite not being able to put universal masking orders in place, most students and all staff are wearing face masks across the district.
Saharan dust is making its way to Central Florida, keeping storms away and bringing beautiful sunsets, but also causing COVID-19-like symptoms in some people.
The drive thru testing and vaccination site is free for all Orange County residents and is open 7 days a week from 9 am until 5 pm, weather permitting.
All K-12 teachers and staff, police officers, firefighters and medically vulnerable people as well as people 65 and up and medical personnel can get vaccinated at the site.
Orange County leaders say they don’t think proposed travel restrictions to Florida are really necessary at this point.
All state-supported sites will be closed on Thursday, November 26th, which is Thanksgiving Day. To find specific hours at the testing site near you, visit patientportalfl.com.
The Central Florida Urban League has teamed up with the NBA to offer rapid testing while the Puerto Rico Federal Affairs Administration and other Latino groups are offering PCR coronavirus testing tomorrow.
The site will re-open next week Wednesday.
More people are being tested for coronavirus in Florida as cases spike across the state. This is causing a log-jam, not only in getting tested, but also in receiving results. UF epidemiologist Dr. Cindy Prins talks to WUSF's Bradley George about how testing and contact tracing can slow the spread of the virus.
Dr. Amesh Adalja, senior scholar with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, and WMFE health reporter Abe Aboraya join Intersection to discuss the surge in coronavirus cases and the response by government and health leaders.