A South Florida judge has denied a man’s claim that he was “standing his ground” against an iguana when he killed it last year.
The debate over Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law has been reignited by the shooting of an unarmed man in a parking lot last month. The law’s detractors are just as fervent as its supporters.
In a Gallup poll five days after the Pulse shootings, 63 percent of Americans said they thought that making it harder to buy assault weapons would prevent…
Florida’s legislative session kicks off next Tuesday, and gun bills feature prominently. Some lawmakers have filed bills to allow permit holders to carry their guns in more places- like college campuses and airports. Political analysts Dick Batchelor and Wade Vose discuss the slate of gun bills up for discussion in Tallahassee
Researchers are now saying Florida’s "stand your ground" law coincided with big increases in the gun murder rate.
The Florida Supreme Court heard oral arguments Tuesday morning in a case that could make it easier to get immunity under the "Stand Your Ground" law.
Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law continues to draw national attention. The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights held a briefing on it Friday in…