On this episode of Intersection we discuss the assumptions and misconceptions about Latino voters in Florida, and their importance in the Florida electorate.
On this episode of Intersection we discuss the assumptions and misconceptions about Latino voters in Florida, and their importance in the Florida electorate.
Latino voters in Florida turned out this election- but they may not have voted the way some pollsters and pundits were expecting. On this episode of Intersection, host Matthew Peddie discusses the assumptions and misconceptions about Latino voters in Florida- and their importance in the Florida electorate.
The Vermont senator won the most votes in Iowa. Now he's won New Hampshire and Nevada outright. That makes him the front-runner for the Democratic nomination.
As Nevadans get ready to caucus this weekend, the nation should be paying attention. That’s because unlike Iowa and New Hampshire, where the first caucus and primary were held, respectively, Nevada’s population more closely mirrors the U.S. According to the U.S. Census, almost one-third of the state is Hispanic or Latino.
A national group’s ramping up efforts to register Latino voters in the Sunshine State. National Council of La Raza launched its Latino Vote 2016 campaign in Miami Thursday.
Central Florida leaders are preparing what’s now the nation’s second largest Puerto Rican population for a historic turnout at the polls this election season. 90.7’s Renata Sago reports, Puerto Rican activists say registering the region’s 800,000 Puerto Ricans is the only way to make sure the island gets a spot on the federal agenda.
The biggest issue concerning Central Florida Latinos today is the economy.That’s according to the libertarian leaning Libre Initiative, which held a forum…