Three black-necked swan cygnets were released into Lake Eola on Wednesday, the result of a successful breeding program that started two years ago.
The City of Orlando welcomed two new swans to Lake Eola today.The Swan-A-Thon fundraising program bought the two male birds to give female black neck…
The swan population at Lake Eola is dwindling due to increased human interference with the birds and their nests.
Marjory Stoneman Douglas and Pulse shooting survivors will join local political leaders in speaking out about gun laws tomorrow in downtown Orlando. The event is part of a national voter registration drive.
Access to public parks in Orlando is improving according to the Trust for Public Land, which ranks park systems in the 100 largest US cities. The Trust for Public Land’s ParkScore Index places Orlando’s park system 46th, 7 places higher than last year.
There’s a special exhibition at the Orlando Museum of Art called "Enduring Beauty: Seminole Art and Culture” that has inspired a fun family day…
Learn about Islam and the Muslim community from the source while enjoying an international dinner at the Open House Invitational Dinner Saturday at 5:30…
Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer says the confederate statue at Lake Eola should be moved to Greenwood Cemetery.
A group of Orlando residents will urge city commissioners Monday afternoon to remove the 100-year-old statue of a confederate soldier in Lake Eola Park. They say it is a symbol of decades of white supremacy and discrimination against people of color. They insist that it be removed before June 12th when city officials will hold a ceremony at the public park for Orlando United Day.
If you care about others….Folks will be putting together lunches including sandwiches, bananas, water, cookies and chips for the homeless then split up…