The Democratic Republic of Congo beat its second worst outbreak of the Ebola virus in June. The new victims indicate the disease's resurgence in the area.
Vaccination against Ebola begins today in the Democratic Republic of Congo in a last attempt to stop the spread of the disease. The outbreak which started in April has already left 26 dead.
Only 99 Ebola cases were reported worldwide last week. That's the lowest weekly count since June. But getting down to zero cases is still a long way off.
Immigration Minister Scott Morrison says Australia's steps to keep Ebola from crossing its borders include "temporarily suspending our immigration program, including our humanitarian program."
As the number of U.S. cases of Ebola continues to grow, lawmakers are pushing for travel bans on West African countries.
The family of the first patient to be diagnosed in the U.S. with the deadly disease ends a 21-day observation period with no symptoms. Meanwhile, the WHO declared Nigeria Ebola-free.
With Wednesday’s announcement that a second Dallas health worker has contracted Ebola after treating a Liberian man with the disease, precautionary…
President Obama has selected former White House adviser Ron Klain to coordinate the U.S. response to the deadly disease.
The first of two nurses who became infected after treating an Ebola patient at a Dallas hospital will be moved to a "high-level containment" facility at the National Institutes of Health in Maryland.
After nurse Nina Pham was diagnosed with the deadly hemorrhagic fever earlier this week, another health care worker who treated Thomas Eric Duncan also may have the disease.