Water issues are inherently connected, and flooding can impact water quality.
Water follows gravity, taking the path of least resistance. But that path can change, based on how we develop land and alter elevations in Central Florida.
In Seminole County, wetlands around Lake Jesup help absorb excess floodwaters, including for weeks after Hurricane Milton.
Listen to the first episode of our new special podcast, Part 2 of Central Florida Seen & Heard: Rising Water.
This year, with an above-average hurricane season predicted, warnings and other information about those dangers could be a matter of life or death.
Project:Camp runs special camps throughout the country aimed at helping kids process their trauma after a storm.
As flooding and erosion threaten the Florida coastline, the city of Satellite Beach is trying to step in to protect the area from going under water.
Amid booming growth, residents and environmentalists blame recent floods on development, but local governments and developers say they're following the rules.
On the space coast, engineers and anthropologists are trying to combat rising sea levels that threaten to wash away launch pads at the Kennedy Space Center and thousands-years-old village sites in the Indian River Lagoon.
Climate change is impacting Central Florida municipalities’ budgets and is expected to cause major financial losses as cities rely on property taxes from coastal structures that may be underwater in the future.