Of all the different personality traits you could have, creativity may be the most important as we age. Creative people not only live longer, they live better. Joshua Vickery, the CEO of Encore Creativity, uses his voice to raise the voices of others, who may never have thought themselves creative.
Marlon Hoffman is a musician, actor, and counselor who has always followed his heart, from his experience as a suicide rescue counselor, a psychologist who worked with terminally ill children, to actor and acting coach. Now, at the age of 68, he is living yet another dream as a singer/songwriter on the Los Angeles music scene, sharing the wisdom and inspiration he’s gathered from a lifetime of making a difference.
James Smith, Jr is a professional and personal development coach. His passion is in motivating and inspiring others to reach for more in life, something that he explains can only happen when we find a way to allow faith in our mission to supersede our fear of failure.