Benefits of Breastfeeding Free Virtual Class
Benefits of Breastfeeding Free Virtual Class
Benefits of Breastfeeding Free Virtual Class will be held every 2nd Monday of the month, 7 PM- 8 PM, taught by WIC Certified Lactation Counselors through Microsoft Teams. You'll learn the importance and advantages of breastfeeding, breastfeeding techniques, building and maintaining your milk supply, common myths, and breastfeeding when you go back to work or school. To register go to or For more information contact: 407 723-4298 or 407 723-5355.
Microsoft Teams
07:00 PM - 08:00 PM, every 12 months on Monday through Dec 04, 2023.
Event Supported By
Florida Department of Health Orange County - WIC and Bellies, Babies, and Beyond Program
407 723-4298