With the Democratic and republican conventions done- the candidates are back on the road, and the campaign trail has taken Donald Trump and Tim Kaine to Daytona Beach. Both the GOP’s presidential nominee and Hillary Clinton’s running mate talked about jobs. But can the next president boost manufacturing in Central Florida? Is tourism where the real focus should be?
Algae clogging the waterways in South Florida is keeping tourists away, there are more fish kills in the Indian River, and controversy over changes to the rules on toxins in Florida's water.
Orlando holds town hall meetings to decide how to spend the One Orlando fund money for the victims of Pulse. What is the right way to spend it? And what’s the future of the site of the shooting?
Orange County republicans sign a resolution supporting LGBT rights.
And Florida officials announce more locally caught Zika cases. Are state and local officials doing enough to control Zika and reassure the public?
It's the Friday news round table with Florida Today's Jessica Saggio, Frank Torres from the Orlando Political Observer and former Orlando Sentinel opinions editor Mike Lafferty.