In the aftermath of the Pulse nightclub shooting there are questions. What was happening in the nightclub in the 3 hours after police first went into Pulse and exchanged gunfire with the shooter?
Media organizations are trying to get recordings of hundreds of calls made from the club during the crisis including 911 calls. Those calls could shed light on the timeline. But the city of Orlando says it can’t release the recordings, and now a court is being asked to decide. Barbara Peterson from the first amendment foundation talks about the lawsuit and what it means for transparency.
How do people respond to a tragedy? One way is by donating money, and in the aftermath of the Pulse shooting the cash is flying in. Equality Florida set up one of those funds. We’ll talk to Ida Eskamani from Equality Florida about how they’re managing the millions of dollars raised through a go fund me account.
And if you love the idea of those inspirational, high concept TED talks but just don’t have time, Pecha Kucha might be your thing. 90.7’s Catherine Welch talks to Eddie Selover about the slide show that’s been described as ”TED on Crack”, which returns to Orlando next week, with presentations on skateboarding, homelessness, interracial dating and more.