Changes to the Morning Edition schedule
- The local newscast at the top of the hour is shorter- instead of 4-6 minutes, it’s just two minutes. So for the six o’clock hour you’ll hear local news from 6:04:20 — 6:06:20
- There are two more local news updates at 6:20:30 and 6:43:30
- Cutaway for local content changes to 43:30 past the hour
- In the 7 o’clock hour you’ll hear regular local features at 43:30 past the hour.
- Monday- State Impact Florida education feature 7:43:30 — 7:50:55
- Tuesday- Hank Fishkind economic commentary 7:43:30 — 7:50:55
- Wednesdays- Intersection segment 7:43:30 — 7:50:55
- Every other Thursday- Darryl Owens Perspectives 7:43:30 — 7:50:55
On Tuesdays Intersection plays at the normal time In the 9 o’clock hour - from 9:30:00- 9:59:00
All Things Considered schedule
- Local news in the usual time at the top of the hour - 4:04:20 — 4:06:30
- Local news headlines also at the usual time - 4:32:30 — 4:35:00
- Local features- you’ll hear these at 4:44:00 - 4:50:00 or 5:44:00 — 5:50:00
Spotlight Friday- you’ll hear arts, culture and entertainment on Spotlight at the usual time- from 5:48:00 — 6:00:00